Screening Options

Screening Options

InsideOut Construction, Inc. installs the “Screen Tight” system on all of our screen porches. Most construction companies staple their screen to the walls and cover them with a 1″x4″ wooden strip to hide the staples. This method leaves undesirable staple pull marks and makes the screen virtually unrepairable if (and when, in this case) it becomes loose.


Using the “Screen Tight” system involves installing a vinyl base on the exterior walls of the screen room. This base has spline tracks integrated into its design which enables you to easily replace a section of the screen if it happens to be torn, and even allows you to tighten it (without replacing it) should it become loose over time. After the screen is installed, a color keyed vinyl cap is snapped into place to conceal all edges.


We also have as an option, aluminum framed – individual screen panels available, custom built for an exact fit to your screen openings. These aluminum panels are easily removed if needed.


Aluminum-Framed Inserts  Screen Tight